Mod. 4.3129.00.000
- Measuring range : 0 - 360 degrees
- Output : serial synchron, 5 bit Gray Code
- Resolution : ±11,25°
- Starting threshold : 0,5 m/s
- Power : 5...30 V DC (0,2 mA at 5 V)
- Heater : 24 VAC/DC / 20 W
- Cable (fixed) : 12 m
Mod. 4.3129.00.700
- as above, but with 7-pole connector (cable apart)
Mod. 4.3129.60.000
- Output : serial synchron, 8 bit Gray Code
- Resolution : ±2,5°
- Power: 3,3...30 VDC or 24 VAC (< 1 mA at 5 V)
Mod. 4.3129.60.700
- as above, but with 7-pole connector (cable apart)
Mod. 4.3129.00.xxx .140 : Output : 0 - 20 mA .141 : Output : 4 - 20 mA .161 : Output : 0 - 10 V .167 : Output : 0 - 2 V .173 : Output : 0 - 5 V
- Power : 12...30 VDC or 24 VAC (30 mA)
- Resolution : ±11,25°
Mod. 4.3129.00.7xx (with 7-pole connector - cable apart) .712 : Output : 0 - 2 KΩ .740 : Output : 0 - 20 mA .741 : Output : 4 - 20 mA .761 : Output : 0 - 10 V .767 : Output : 0 - 2 V .773 : Output : 0 - 5 V
Mod. 4.3129.60.xxx .140 : Output : 0 - 20 mA .141 : Output : 4 - 20 mA .161 : Output : 0 - 10 V .167 : Output : 0 - 2 V .173 : Output : 0 - 5 V
- Power : 12...30 VDC or 24VAC (30 mA)
- Resolution : ±0,4°
Mod. 4.3129.60.7xx (with 7-pole connector - cable apart) .740 : Output : 0 - 20 mA .741 : Output : 4 - 20 mA .761 : Output : 0 - 10 V .767 : Output : 0 - 2 V .773 : Output : 0 - 5 V